Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wat would cause constantly enlarged lymph node?

About a year ago, I developed Herpes Simplex (cold sores); very bad outbreak; huge swollen lymph nodes, fever and body aches. I live in China, local hospital gave me antibiotics, told me I had a "cold," sent me to their dentist. She had a look at things, and said I had an impacted wisdom tooth. Things were not very clean there so I went to an international clinic, where they diagnosed the Herpes Simplex and dentist noticed a bad impaction, which had created an area where bacteria could grow. I had the tooth out; very difficult, extremely painful extraction. I went back to the dentist after problems continued months after the removal. He said it could take up to a year for that difficult a removal to be healed. Doctor downstairs said swollen node on that side had nothing to do with tooth removal. The node is still often swollen, particularly when fighting off anything, but immune system in general is fine--I usually don't come down with what all around me have. Any ideas?

Wat would cause constantly enlarged lymph node?
No worries. If your tooth was infected, or you were ( are ) fighting any other infection, your lymph nodes will swell. Lymph node system in your body works like a sponge, trying to catch all the bad stuff. I was fighting a tooth problem myself for about 3 months, and it was the front tooth and my lymoh node on my down left neck swelled up, before I even knew my tooth is going bad on me. Sometimes it takes many weeks, months for lymph node to get back to normal, especially if you keep poking at it all the time. This might cause scarring anf your node will not go down. Dont touch it for a month and then lightly check. Also, 10 minutes rebounding a day helped me a great deal. Good luck.

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