Sunday, May 16, 2010

I will be going for oral maxillofacial surgery ...for my wisdom tooth to be remove...?

What is this department about ..??? and is the surgery room different from other normal dentist clinic ..??? and they usally use local anes ..??

I will be going for oral maxillofacial surgery ...for my wisdom tooth to be remove...?
They offered me a choice of either local or not; I went with not feeling a thing. It was fine, just have lots of liquids you like on hand for afterwards, I had a hard time opening my jaws for a few days after, but that resolves itself pretty quickly.

You do get pretty hungry after a while, though, I think I would have eaten a cheeseburger if I had put it through a blender. Just plan on staying home, feeling crappy and having a swollen face for a while. Ask about taking anything ahead of time for swelling and pain.
Reply:Probbaly it means your tooth (teeth) are impacted in the bone and need to be dug out. If so, you'll be asleep for about 1/2 hour or less and everything should be fine. Just pack your jaw (s) with ice for about 10 hours afterwards, and you'll probably not feel any pain. Be sure and follow the surgeons instructions for post-op care.

Maxillofacial surgery can get much more complicated - as in orthognathic surgery, which is the reconstruction of your lower and/or upper jaws and possibly chin. Be thankful you don't need to go through that at this time!

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