Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tooth embedded in the side of my gum.?

I had a cavity filled about a month ago and noticed a rough scab on the inside of my gums near the tooth that was drilled. I picked at it for a while and pulled out a pice of tooth, about half the size of a pencil eraser! I can see another tooth further back in my gums, below my tooth line which I think is an embedded tooth also, I cannot get it out. Has anyone had this type of situation happen to them? I think the dentist overdrilled and I am going to file a complaint to the local dental society. Should I see a dentist or endodontist about this tooth exposed in my gums?

Tooth embedded in the side of my gum.?
a gum specialist.
Reply:You will have to have your suspicions validated before you can file a complaint or malpractice lawsuit. Call any dental orthodontist and explain your need to have it professionally analyzed. Make sure you do not disclose the name of the dentist who performed the questionable procedure. If you can find an attorney that works on a contingency basis there might be a recommendation as to where to get the second opinion at no or little cost to you.
Reply:I have some teeth that are kinda popping out of my gums on the top, but thats because when I was younger my baby teeth took forever to come out. When I got braces in 7th grade a year later they I STILL had 2 baby teeth left and they pulled them out. That can happen sometimes. You want to check with your dentist and another dentist if you want a second opinion before you consult a lawyer.

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