Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tooth fillings?

Each time i have visited my local dentist for a filling,it doesnt seem to last more than 2-3 months,before it breaks or falls out.

At £40 a time it is starting to get expensive,how long is it reasonable for a filling to last?I have spend a lot of money with this dentist in the past on route cannals,crowns etc.Should i say something"

Tooth fillings?
With proper care (ie brushing AND flossing) fillings should last you 10 years or even longer...I am tempted to say they should last you for life with proper care but I am not entirely sure if that would be accurate, but definately longer than 10 years.....You may need to clarify the question it the same filling that he keeps having to replace or is it numerous different fillings that have fallen out cos dude, you need a new dentist if the latter is the case. Also check what kind of filling he is may be the cheaper filling material which most good dentists use only for temporary fillings. If it is the one filling that keeps falling out it may be in an awkward spot so definately discuss it with him. Also if it is a metal filling they tend to contract and expand with different temperatures which is definately not good for your tooth.

Hope I helped!

Goodluck toothy
Reply:you need to see a different dentist one who knows what he is doing this one sounds like he is just puting the filling in so it will fall out so you can keep coming in and wasting money
Reply:ive had the same cavities in my mouth since i was 8 and im 24 now. you might want to change dentists. he might not be doing it right. it also my be the food your eating
Reply:go to another dentist. i've had fillings since i was about 10. i'm 26 now. that dude does not know what he is doing. i recon he is in kahoots with the tooth fairy. LOL
Reply:They should last at least 20 or more years, go to another dentist, you should definitely ask for a refund, DO NOT let this guy touch your mouth anymore
Reply:As a dental student, no dentist cannot guarantee fillings. This depends on what you eat. If you chew on ice in your spare time, then your fillings won't last long. However, this doesn't mean that it is completely your fault, maybe your dentist is doing something wrong. So this is just another factor. Where are your fillings located? If they are oclusal fillings on molars, then they are under a lot of stress when you bite on things.

Composites can last over 5 years. Then they should be changed, but not many people do. Amalgams last a lot longer, on average 25 years, but people can have them a lot longer when done with he proper techniques.

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