Monday, November 16, 2009

Tooth Extraction on Friday? With laughing gas and local anesthesia (the one they inject on your gums)?

I have to get a tooth pulled on Friday and I am SUPER nervous! I need to know what I can do before the extraction to calm down, or to make the pain less painful. How much will it hurt? The tooth I am gettting pulled, for all of you dentists out there, is the "mandibular right (lateral) incisor #26 (lingual)" on the bottom. Can you please describe how the procedure will be done and what I can take for the pain afterwards. Also, please let me know how the shot will feel after the laughing gas has been applied. Thanks sooo much!!

Tooth Extraction on Friday? With laughing gas and local anesthesia (the one they inject on your gums)?
From experience I can tell you that the laughing gas does not help with pain at all. Call your dentist and let them know that you are very nervous and ask that they call you in a prescription. They may require that you have someone drive you to the appointment if they give you the scrip.
Reply:Bring your ipod, I recommend that to patients who are not having general anesthesia. # 26 is generally a pretty easy tooth to extract by an oral surgeon. First we place some topical anesthetic (cherry at my office), then you will get a shot to numb the area. You get to sit a few minutes while the local takes affect, then you will only feel pushing and pressure, no sharp or pain. It may sound a little strange, then it'll be all over. Just make sure you listen %26amp; follow the post-operative instructions. I've had teeth extracted myself. Good Luck, and try to relax.
Reply:if your getting both the laughing gas and anesthesia they will knock you out with the laughing gas first so you wont feel the needle at all, when you wake up your mouth will be numb for a few hours and it might hurt a little after that, but the dentist will normally give you some pain pills for that
Reply:I'm not a dentist, but I'm a mother. Some dentists apparently give some kind of sedatives for just before the extraction. My daughter had four wisdom teeth removed last year. She tried the laughing gas, and didn't like the feeling, so the dentist stopped and she just did it on Novacaine. She didn't feel a thing. Afterwards, the dentist gave her painkillers which helped. Your dentist will do the same. My husband swears by laughing gas for dental work. He says it makes you not care. So give it a try, and if you don't like it, just ask the dentist to stop it and he will.

Try not to worry too much. If you look around this site, a lot of the people on it write in saying they are having wisdom teeth (can't be too different in feel from the mandibular) removed, and many people always write in to say that it isn't so terrible. Just eat soft foods for a few days, and follow the dentist's directions. he'll tell you exactly what to do. And as i said, try not worry too much. It'll be over before you know it.

I still remember how nervous I was having my wisdom teeth removed, years ago. I don't remember having them removed. I don't remember any pain afterwards. I just remember the fear beforehand. Keep in mind that that means that the fear was the worst part, and try to be calm about it. Good luck.
Reply:it will not be as bad as you think. the gas will relax you and the shot will numb your mouth so their will only be pain after the shot wears off. they should give you some painkillers to take afterwords. good luck.
Reply:Hopefully, I can ease your nervousness. Tooth Extractions are relatively easy to accomplish assuming you do not have any impacted teeth in your gums

I just had one of my molar teeth pulled at the University of Michigan Dental School about 2 weeks ago. I will tell you just what they did to me.

They simply numb the tooth they are planning to pull. You may have foul taste in your mouth when the dentist injects the numbing medication. (Make sure you have a suction tube handy). Then, the dentist will make sure you cannot feel your tooth that will be pulled. The dentist uses a luxator.

This tool is used to elevate the tooth from the socket. You will feel quite a bit of pressure while the dentist loosens your tooth. Then he/she will use dental forcepts to remove the roots from your gums.

After your tooth is extracted. You will be given gauge to bite on to control bleeding. Make sure you you wet down the gauge to avoid dry socket otherwise you will be in horrible pain if you allow the tooth socket to be dried out.


The bleeding should resolve within 24 to 48 hours have the procedure. The extraction sit should heal after 2 weeks or so.

For the first 72 hours after your procedure. Eat soft foods and drink cool fluids. No straw sucking or smoking for 3 days after your tooth extractron.

Make sure you get plenty of rest and use ice packs to minimize any facial swelling. Ask the doctor for pain medication such as Tylenol 3 with Codene.

Hope this helps
Reply:I am assuming you are having a sedation dose not a knock out dose (in which of course you wouldn't feel anything).

It should be too bad. You will still feel the needle but the gas will relax you.

Had one extraction under local when young. Can't recall much pain just a fair bit of straining and pressure and then it was out.

Was knocked out with gas for other extractions so obviously can't tell you much!

On all occasions I think I had a little bit of pain after but not anything I can really recall. You need to be careful with the clot and make sure it heals properly.

Wisdom teeth are a different story and the extraction can be very prolonged and painful - I would definitely want to be knocked out and not just sedated for that!

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