Monday, November 16, 2009

Could you feel/hear the dentist operating on you when you got your wisdom teeth removed?

I will be put under local anestesia and given the gas mask... what will it feel like?

Could you feel/hear the dentist operating on you when you got your wisdom teeth removed?
I felt nothing at all. And had it done with anesthesia and the gas mask. And years later I worked for an Oral Surgeon and found that the doctor can give commands such as open wider and things like that, but you will have no memory of any of that whatsoever. The thing that was terrible after wards for me is I got dry sockets. So be sure to listen to all the info and ask for a sheet of instructions to be sent home with you since you will be groggy after the surgery. Best of Luck!
Reply:feel like ur being operationed.
Reply:I just had my wisdom teeth pulled. Now the first one not bad, but the other one, since it was chipped, when he attempted to pull it did hurt a little, and the denist put the neddle in to numb me. But when it was out, it was done. You do hear it and feel it during the process.

My Suggest, close your eyes and grip the chair.

And if your wisdom teeth are getting pulled (especially the upper) Get ready for about 1 day of eating Jello and soup and going though gauze like hot cakes!
Reply:I had all 4 cut out of my jaw in 1 procedure . I only had a local anesthetic, nothing else. I could hear everything they were saying , but i couldn't feel a thing :)
Reply:By "gas mask" I'm assuming you're having nitrous oxide (laughing gas). You'll feel floaty, tingly, but you will be aware of what's going on.

The best way is to have some I.V. sedation, this will make you just not care! Most people ask, "When are you going to start?" after the procedure is over.

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